Dr. Satish Vishwanathaiah
B.D.S, M.D.S,
F.I.C.D, F.P.F.A
Profile Description
Dr. Satish Vishwanathaiahhails from Shimoga, Karnataka. Hecompleted his bachelor’s degree from Sharavathi Dental college and hospital, KuvempuUniversity in 2001. He finished his Post graduation in 2004 from Bapuji Dental college and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. He commenced his academic careerat Bapuji Dental college as Senior lecturer and moved in 2008 to Jaipur where he served as a faculty in Jaipur Dental college and hospital, Maharaj Vinayak University, Jaipur. In 2014 he moved to Saudi Arabia as an Associate Professor where he teaches and practices pediatric dentistry and Special care Dentistry in College of Dentistry, JazanUniversity, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.He actively trains undergraduates and interns in research activities.Dr Satish Vishwanathaiah has numerous publications in international and national journals. He has presented papers in national and international pediatric conferences. He is certified in conscious sedation, Nasoalveolar moulding in cleft lip and patients. His Fellowships include Fellowship of Pierre Fauchard Academy [FPFA], Fellowship of International college of Dentists [FICD]. He is a life member in Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry [ISPPD], Indian Dental Association [ADA], South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentists [ SAAPD], Association of Pediatric Endodontics [APE].