MDS, PhD, FDS RCS (England),
FDS RCPS (Glasgow), FDS RCS (Edinburgh)
Profile Description
Dr. Rahul Hegde requires no introduction in the field of dentistry. He is an academician par excellence and was responsible for regularizing dental education in the country. He completed his Bachelor of dental surgery BDS IN 1992, from the prestigious KLE Institute of Dental Sciences Belgaum. His thirst for learning did not stop even after he completed his MDS in 1996, and has obtained PhD in the year 2010. Being an executive member to the Dental Council of India for more than a decade, he has made tremendous reforms in the interest of the dental profession. He has been elected as youngest member to the DCI a regulatory body of the dental education by the Ministry of Health ; Government of India .He is representing Dental council of india for last 15 years.
He has been a senate member of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences as Longest serving member to the university For 11 years. Prof RAHUL HEGDE has numerous national and international publications and research papers to his credit. He has been a recipient of the fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FDSRCS) England for his invaluable contribution in the field of Pediatric dentistry. He was 8 times Executive member of ISPPD ,2 times Vice President and President of Indian Society of PediatricDentistry in the year 2010. Presently he is director of Ajinkya D Y Pati lUniversity . Recently he has been elected third time on dental council of India And also As executive Committee Member For third time. He is the chairman of Webinar committee and member of prestigious academic committe. His vision is to uplift the standards of health care in the society and community at large at par with the global standards.